Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Changing Sites...

Hi all!

Thanks to those of you who've checked in, browsed around, and left comments on this site! I've lately been very motivated and inspired by some fitness and healthy food blogs out there and decided to get a "real" website (ie: not a free one! lol) and start to develop more of my own site as a place to post nutrition tips and recipes, workout plans, and my musings about balancing life in a healthy way. Please make that transition with me:


Ready for the next step. Hope you are feeling motivated and inspired yourself these days to move, eat well, and enjoy life. Live well and be well!


1 comment:

  1. Bonnie I love your website! Wow very inspiring. I hate to say it but you are morphying into me...I was out on a run and picked some flowers the other day too...
    I love your life, attitude, and spirit. Your writing is very motivating...I even feel like playing dodgeball!
